As a busy family with four children, two on the autism spectrum, we learned quickly that it is called autism spectrum for a reason. Therapies and supports that are standard practice and often recommended for ASD for one child, do not always work for another.
We understand the difficulties and discouragement that can arise from trying different programs and supports that may not yield the desired results. Moreover, we recognize that finding these programs and affording them can be a significant barrier to accessing these opportunities.
Born out of the idea that both of our sons’ needs were equally as important regardless of their differences, we started Equally Different Incorporated. We strive to empower families by truly understanding that each person on the autism spectrum has different but equal needs.
At Equally Different, our mission is to ensure that families and individuals touched by autism have equal opportunities within their communities, educational settings, and employment by providing practical supports that assist families "find their right fit".
At Equally Different, we believe in the inherent equality of every individual, regardless of their neurological differences.
We envision a network of supports and scholarships available to all families while they navigate the journey of finding what works for them and their family members.